Thursday, December 15, 2011

Any homeopathic ways to get my period going?

I haven't had a period since November ,and have seen numerous docs with no avail. What can I do naturally to bring on my period? I am taking Vitex right now.

Would acupuncture help? How about doing the Master Cleanse to clean out my system?

Can caffeine disrupt a menses cycle? My hubby is in the Army, and they can't help me here, so they are sending a referral to another Army base 500 miles away. But that will take months.

What can I do???|||Spend some time with other women. Likelihood is that you are alone for extended periods of time. If you had irregular periods to begin with, being isolated just makes them worse. Here's an idea. Go to the gym. In an aerobics class there will be plenty of women with very regular cycles. Trust me, just being around women with strong regular cycles will get yours synchronized.

It is common knowledge that college roommates end up having their period at the same time after a few months. That's why I think my solution will work.|||just wait. it will come again.|||BIRTH CONTROLL PILLS WORK...THEY HELP YOUR CYCLE BE REGULAR|||If you eat natural foods that usually helps and caffeine can affect your cycle. Try going light on the caffeine and eating more red meat, fruits and vegetables. Another choice is to go on the pill. I had weird cycles for years where I would have it every few months and then it would last a full month and that was the only thing that helped me.|||Why do you WANT your period?? Some women just don't have their period. And no, caffiene doesn't effect your menses. WTF is the "Master Cleanse"? I would just wait and see what your doc has to say.|||Try making a tea from fresh parsley and drinking it regularly.

Are you underweight? Menstruation ceases when a woman does not carry enough fat to bear a child.

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