Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just a rumour or is it actually possible to delay your period using the pill ?

me and my boyfriend of 6 months have finally decided to take it to 4th base

he lives in birmingham so we see eachother about 1nce a week?

we planned to do it a week today but i think im on my period then. is it true you can take one contraceptive ( the everyday pill) to delay it?

if so how?|||Skip the sugar pills and keep taking the active pills. You don't get a real period while on the pill anyway. But judging by your grammar, you're probably too young to contemplate sex just yet.|||It only works if you've been on the pill for awhile. Basically you skip the sugar pills and go straight on to the next hormone pill in the next packet and keep taking it. If you're on triphasil then it's best to skip the first colour hormone pill and go on to the second one and keep taking it straight through. The reason for this is the first week of hormone pills on a triphasil system is low dose and might not be enough to delay your period.

My GP said it was fine to skip a period, no dramas at all and as long as you keep taking the pill you're protected against pregnancy. Don't forget you really need to be on the pill for at least a month before you have protection and ALWAYS use a condom.

Good luck!

And 6 months isn't really that long - it took my boyfriend and I over a year!|||There are some birth control pills that you will only have your period three to four times a year, but nothing that is going to stop your period immediately.|||well i started the ones that start your period on friday but it didnt actually come till late tuesday. i forgot 2 take one of the pills

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