Saturday, December 17, 2011

How soon would i start period after stopping Prometrium?

I am on day 31. I am taking Clomid days 3-7 to ovulate, and then Prometrium on days 18-30 to thicken the uterine walls to aid in implantation. Because of it keeping the lining there, i wouldn't have a period until i stop the meds. I stopped last night and now i either have to wait for a period or to see if i'm pregnant. My nipples have been tender for a week now and i sort of feel like i could start. (when i was pregnant in may (miscarried) i felt as though i could start at any minute). Just wondering if anyone had been on this drug and how long it took to see if they were pregnant or to start their period (if i ovulated this month...based on an ultrasound, it wouldn't have happened until day 20). Thanks.|||I too take Clomid and Prometrium for the same reason. I also had a previous miscarriage. However, I take Prometrium from day 16 until I start my period or until the end of my first trimester if I become pregnant. I have not heard of anyone just taking it until day 30 and stopping. Prometrium has never delayed my period coming. (Before switching to Prometrium, I use to take Prochieve, which was a progesterone cream that had to be inserted vaginally. That was messy and usually delayed my periods for up to 6 days.)

Tender nipples are a good early sign of pregnancy. When I was pregnant, I had some light cramping around the time of my expected period. I think it can be associated with implantation. Sounds like you could be pregnant. You might want to discuss with your doctor the option of taking the Prometrium until the end of your first trimester. I would hate for you to have another miscarriage if it can be avoided by continuing the Prometrium. It prevented me from having another miscarriage and I had a full term healthy baby girl. Best wishes to you.|||I know this isn't the answer you wanted... but everyone is different.. I think you'll have to wait and see.

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