Monday, December 12, 2011

Can I claim unemployment if i was ill during most of my base period?

I have worked for Miami-Dade Public School for almost 8 years. I had a heart attack and bypass surgery in 2005. Since then I have been on 2 separate one year medical leave of absences. The last one ended in September of 2010. The company laid off 280 of the people in my department on June 17, 2011. I applied for Unemployment and was told I do not have "sufficient wage credits". I only have credits for the last quarter of 2010. How can this be FAIR!!. I know of employees with less than two years in and half my salary that are "Eligible". What happened to the other 5+ years of work? In addition, the County's condition of the leave was that I "NOT WORK FOR THEM OR ANYONE ELSE" until I was medically certified as fit to return to work. How can I appeal this, and is there any legal precedence for a favorable appeal in my situation? PLEASE HELP !!|||Sorry, unemployment is calculated based on your work over the last 18 months, not the last five years. Your case is one of those unfortunate ones that slips through the legal cracks.

If you've missed at least two years of work due to illness over the last 6 years, you should probably think about applying for disability.|||Your unemployment compensation is calculated on your last 18 months of wages. If you haven't worked during the last 18 months, then you don't have enough wage credits to qualify for unemployment.|||I'm 17 years old and in my school book it said you could. I can find more information on it tonight when I get home.|||You have the credits of work to be able claim unemployment. Your medical reasons do not count, because you were unable to find work or employment.

Ask the IRS to provide a copy of your work salary and see if agrees with what you did.

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