Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do I need to put a period after a parenthesis if it extends to the end of the sentence?

Like in this example:

"What is actually the case is that our material conditions and goods determine our values, ideals and beliefs ((base -%26gt; superstructure), not (superstructure -%26gt; base))"

Does there need to be a period at the end of those parentheses?|||If the parenthetical is a complete sentence, you put the period inside the parenthesis. (In other words, you would do it like this.)

If the parenthetical is not a complete sentence, you put the period outside the parenthesis (like this).

In your example, yes, you put the period outside the last closing parenthesis.|||Note that a sentence in parentheses is capitalized and punctuated in the normal fashion.|||Yes. Its the end of the sentence, it gets a proper punctuation mark.|||Yes|||yes

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