Thursday, December 15, 2011

How accurate was your estimated due date based on your last period date?

How many days was it off?

Thanks!|||My 4 babies were all born past their due dates by 9 days, 11 days, 5 days, and 7 days. With the first 3, my due dates were strictly based on the date of my last period since they were born before the advent of "routine" ultrasounds. I never had even one ultrasound with my first 3 pregnancies. My 4th baby was a surprise, conceived quite unexpectedly when I was reliably taking birth control pills for 11 years. My due date was given to me based only on an ultrasound since I had been having what seemed like normal periods even though I was unknowingly pregnant. The ultrasound showed I was 17 weeks along at the time! I subsequently had 11 more ultrasounds since I was high risk with my age (38) plus developed Gestational Diabetes. When I was estimated to be 41 weeks I still had no sign of impending labor so I was given a prostoglandin gel insertion with the hopes it would get my cervix to think about effacing and dilating. Instead I had a bad reaction to it and ended up delivering her just 7 1/2 hours later. I always thought their estimation was off and I think I should have probably gone another week with her, at least. Supposedly I was at 41 weeks and she only weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces, the smallest of my babies.|||I have very short cycles (21 days). I got pregnant the first month I was trying and found out very early I was pregnant.

This helped in calculating the due date. My daughter was born the day before her due date.|||he was born 2 days after the due date but could have gone longer prob.|||well my babies size matched perfectly to my Last period, however bub was born exactly 3 weeks early so now i dont know how accurate they really were.|||My estimated DD based on last Cycle was April 2, 2009... our son was born naturally on March 22... so much for due dates. Your little one will come when he/she is ready :)|||Mine was dead on.

We had been TTC for 9 months so by the time I found out I was pregnant and went to the doctor to confirm, I knew the exact date of my last period and the exact date I ovulated and conceived.

She gave my estimated due date to be May 12. I went into labor on that day, and delivered May 13.

My son is just like his parents: On time, all the time! LOL|||my first daughter it was 3 days after my EDD and my second came 3 weeks early|||My cycle has always been very irregular so I never expected the LMP thing to work for me. My first pregnancy, I was right. My LMP was April 21, 2007. My due date was April 21, 2008. Makes no sense right? My doctor told me I was already 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for my first prenantal checkup (1 week after a home pregnancy test) in August of 2007. I laughed at her. And the date didn't make much of a difference anyway- he was born March 28.

My second pregnancy, was right on target. I went for my ultrasound when I was 11 weeks 4 days based on my LMP. That turned out to be amazingly on target. The ultrasound had me measuring exactly 11 weeks, 4 days.

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